Unveiling the NoSQL Titans: ScyllaDB vs. Apache Cassandra — Choosing the Right Database for Your Needs

Jeffrey Wilson
3 min readDec 6, 2023



In the realm of NoSQL databases, ScyllaDB and Apache Cassandra stand out as powerful solutions designed to handle massive amounts of data with horizontal scalability. While both share common roots in the Dynamo model, they differ in their implementations and performance optimizations. In this blog, we’ll delve into the distinctions between ScyllaDB and Apache Cassandra to help you make an informed decision when choosing the right database for your specific needs.

Common Origins:

Both ScyllaDB and Apache Cassandra draw inspiration from the Dynamo model, a distributed key-value store known for its fault tolerance and scalability. Originally developed by Amazon, the Dynamo model forms the basis for many distributed NoSQL databases.

Implementation Language:

One of the fundamental differences between the two lies in their implementation languages. Apache Cassandra is primarily implemented in Java, whereas ScyllaDB takes a different route by using C++. This choice impacts performance, resource utilization, and the ability to fine-tune code for optimization.

C++ vs. Java:

The decision to implement ScyllaDB in C++ contributes to its impressive performance. C++ allows for more direct control over system resources, resulting in lower latencies and improved efficiency. On the other hand, Apache Cassandra’s Java implementation offers platform independence but might not achieve the same level of performance as ScyllaDB in certain scenarios.

Performance Benchmark:

ScyllaDB consistently demonstrates superior performance in various benchmarks when compared to Apache Cassandra. Its C++ implementation, asynchronous architecture, and advanced optimization techniques contribute to lower latencies and higher throughput, making it a favorable choice for high-performance applications.


Despite their differences, ScyllaDB and Apache Cassandra share wire compatibility. This means that applications designed to work with Apache Cassandra can seamlessly migrate to ScyllaDB with minimal code changes. This compatibility provides flexibility for those looking to transition without undergoing significant development efforts.

Storage Engine:

Apache Cassandra utilizes a pluggable storage engine architecture, allowing users to choose between different storage engines. ScyllaDB, in contrast, has its own storage engine that is optimized for high performance, leveraging the power of C++ to achieve efficient data storage and retrieval.

Ease of Use:

Apache Cassandra has a mature and well-established community, offering a wealth of resources and documentation. ScyllaDB, while rapidly growing, might not have the same extensive community support. Consider your team’s familiarity with the technologies and the availability of resources when evaluating ease of use.

Commercial Support:

Both databases have options for commercial support. Apache Cassandra has commercial support through DataStax, while ScyllaDB offers its own enterprise version with professional support.


Choosing between ScyllaDB and Apache Cassandra depends on your specific use case, performance requirements, and the expertise of your development team. While both databases excel in handling large-scale distributed systems, ScyllaDB’s C++ implementation and performance optimizations make it a compelling choice for applications demanding high throughput and low latencies. Evaluate your project’s needs, consider performance benchmarks, and weigh the advantages of each database to make an informed decision that aligns with your goals.

